Home Old Stuff State of the Art Bang Bang

State of the Art Bang Bang

by Daniel J. Hogan

I went to a shooting range for the first time every today (an outdoor DNR operated range). Why? Well, because I can and also because a friend asked if I wanted to go. But the main reason is because I wanted to experience firing a handgun and a rifle as research for my in-progress novel.

The novel I’m working on, while mostly goofy fantasy/horror, does have characters using guns. I figured it would probably be a good experience to try using a firearm myself, so I can write about their use a little more realistically (although the characters in my novel are using fire arms comparable to late 1800s/early 1900s weapons, but whatever).

We stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods and each picked up two boxes of 20 rounds of ammo for my friend’s M4A3 Carbine rifle and then we were off to the range. My friend also had a handgun, the style of which escapes me at the moment, but it was semi-auto and its clip held 19 shots.

The biggest impact this outing had on me was just how LOUD the guns were. When I fired that M4 for the first time, I thought for sure I went deaf (yes, I had ear plugs in but they sucked. If I ever go again, I’m buying a set of those earmuff things). The effect the gunfire had on my hearing was really interesting–how it distorted the sound I was hearing, etc.

I didn’t have much luck with the handgun, as I barley hit the target. I had similar luck with the M4 at first–but once my friend helped me with my aiming, I improved greatly.
I'm ready for zombies. 50 yards with a M4A3 rifle. My first t... on Twitpic

Not bad for my first time out. This was at a distance of 50 yards. My friend was even impressed.

I was really happy with my results after I finally learned how to aim. I fired sitting down, with the barrel propped up on sandbags. I took my time too and the main thing I had to get over was the sound when firing (as in “oh man, here it comes…EEUGH”).

I certainly noticed the difference between firing a rifle and firing a handgun. The differences are night and day, that’s for sure.  The handgun kicked up more than the rifle, which makes sense because the rifle had a stock and it was supported by the sandbags.

I enjoyed the outing and I would gladly go again. Target shooting was a lot of fun. I’d like to give a handgun another chance, since that is mainly what my characters use, but I certainly liked the rifle more–but that might be due to me being able to sit down and line up a shot instead of standing up to shoot.

Lastly, today proved to me that when the Zombie Apocalypse arrives, my weapon of choice will be a high-powered rifle.