The Magic of Eyri

magic of eyri cover daniel j hogan

The Magic of Eryi is a satirical Young Adult fantasy novel I wrote and self-published in 2007. Self-publishing a novel was quite the experience, as I had to do all of the publishing tasks myself. This meant learning desktop publishing, including how to format a book for print, designing the front and back cover, and promoting the novel.

You can read the first four chapters for free. The novel is for sale on Amazon and on Lulu.

In the spring of 2009, I began producing a free audio podcast version of The Magic of Eyri, and did most of the voice acting myself. I would like to have the novel version republished by a traditional publisher at some point (after I give it another edit or two).

Like some of my recent art projects, The Magic of Eyri came to be thanks to a creative challenge. I started the book as part of National Novel Writing Month. For this challenge, you must write 50 thousand words in the month of November. I averaged around two thousand words a day. Granted, 50 thousand words is not exactly a finished novel. So, I kept on working and eventually finished the novel and powered through a few edits. Eventually, I ended up with the book as it exists today.

These days, I’m more focused on cartooning and making comics, but I do miss writing fiction. I haven’t totally walked away from writing fiction though. Heck, my comic Foxes & Boxes is nearly 100 pages long at this point and is basically a novel, albeit visual.
