Home BlogNews Monday Links and News – 10.21.2013

Monday Links and News – 10.21.2013

by Daniel J. Hogan

A big Thank You to the Michigan Library Association crew for asking me to host their first ever Ignite MLA event this past Thursday. I’m glad I had a few stand-up comedy shows before this gig to warm up a bit. There wasn’t too much pressure on me though, as I wasn’t giving a tightly-timed presentation, and telling librarian jokes (“I love librarians. Some of my smartest and best looking friends are librarians. And I’m not just saying that because their checks cleared this morning.”)

Speaking of stand-up, I might be off the stage for a bit, we’ll see though. It all depends on how my schedule mixes with show nights. I’ll say this, after two stand-up sets, a WordPress workshop, and emceeing Ignite MLA, I’ll be thankful for a break. I enjoy speaking and performing at events, but they do tire me out (in a good way).

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Daniel J. Hogan’s new blog, with a humor focus, is on clattertron.com. The blog on danieljhogan.com is for weekly links, news, general updates, and other rambling
. You can follow Daniel on Twitter, @danieljhogan. Follow Clattertron on Facebook.