Home BlogNews Monday Links and News – 01.13.2014

Monday Links and News – 01.13.2014

by Daniel J. Hogan

The snow began to thaw this week. Barely. Nothing like subzero temperatures to make 30 degrees feel like a heat wave. I miss the sun, but the weather letting me be a hermit is a good thing: I finished a fifth edit of Riddle of the White Gun. Plenty of cuts, especially near the end.

frozen plants

Buy a print of this photo (without a watermark). Lens: Canon 50mm 1.8.

The easy part, writing the novel, is over. Now begins the hard part: writing query letters for agents. I’m happy with the book, and I should be after working on it for the last five years (off and on–Life happens). Riddle of the White Gun is a good size read at just over 86 thousand words, but nowhere near The Magic of Eyri‘s 147 thousand words.

Right now, I’m going through this list of ‘words every writer should delete.’ It is a handy list, and you don’t realize how often you use some or that until you see them one at a time (thank Batman for the Find command in OpenOffice). I don’t mind editing, and over all the edits of this book, my ability to slash and burn parts of a story has only grown stronger.

As you will read below, I published new post for Magic of Eyri and Ginger and the Geek. Now, if a visitor goes to the front page of either podcast, they will see a post with every episode (plus it let me say, “Hey this podcast is done.”)

Clattertron Updates

The Magic of Eyri

Ginger and the Geek

Today’s Amazon Deals :: Today’s ThinkGeek Deals

Affiliate Plug: Camera Lenses on Amazon

Daniel J. Hogan’s new blog, with a humor focus, is on clattertron.com. The blog on danieljhogan.com is for weekly links, news, general updates, and other rambling
. You can follow Daniel on Twitter, @danieljhogan. Follow Clattertron on Facebook.