Home BlogNews Monday Links and News – 12.30.2013

Monday Links and News – 12.30.2013

by Daniel J. Hogan

The holidays are over.  Want proof the holidays took a lot outta me? I just about fell asleep typing up this post Sunday night–and I put it off until tonight.

yellow pipe frozen photo

Buy a print of my photo (without a watermark). Lens: Canon 50mm 1.8.

I was busy over the holidays though–and not just with visiting family (and refilling my flask). Worked on novel editing a bunch (just about every day, except Christmas Eve, I think). I also decided to take a stab at selling photo prints through Society6. Setting up my own shop on Society6 was easy enough, and I enjoyed using the site a few weeks ago to buy Stephanie a Christmas gift (this tote bag by Jess fink). So I figured, why not give it a try? I’m still considering using Zenfolio as a way to sell photos too, but it would be more work up front (and there isn’t a reason I can’t try both), while Society6 only took a few minutes.

It is possible I could end up using Zenfolio for photos and Society6 for comic-related swag (and there isn’t a reason I can’t). I don’t have the money, or the time, to handle producing, selling, and shipping swag on my own, so these sites are a good half-way point. For now (yes, I would make much, much more if I did all this on my own). Our wedding photographer uses Zenfolio, and we loved the prints we ordered for Christmas presents–another reason to try it out.

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Daniel J. Hogan’s new blog, with a humor focus, is on clattertron.com. The blog on danieljhogan.com is for weekly links, news, general updates, and other rambling
. You can follow Daniel on Twitter, @danieljhogan. Follow Clattertron on Facebook.