Home BlogNews Inktober 2018: 31 Cats

Inktober 2018: 31 Cats

by Daniel J. Hogan
inktober 2018 daniel j hogan 31 cats

October brings one of the most magical months for cartoonists and artists: Inktober. “What’s that” you ask? Inktober is a month-long artistic challenge in October. Each day, the artist makes an ink drawing and shares it to social media (usually Instagram these days) with the tags #inktober and #inktober2018.

I go a step further and add watercolor paint to my drawings, but that’s me. Inktober can be as simple or as complicated as you want. The only goal is to draw every day. That’s it!

Inktober 2018: 31 Cats

This year I’m using the official Inktober prompts: each day has a single word to get you started. So far this included words like “poisonous” and “whale.” Fun, eh? Well, I’m doing my own take on these: I’m using the official prompts, but including cats.

I’m calling this series 31 Cats. I enjoy giving myself limits and challenges like this, it can actually help me make better stuff than when I don’t have any restrictions. You can also check out last year’s drawings.

Inktober on eBay

I’ll have a full post about this soon, but I now have an eBay store. eBay chose Lansing to be it’s next Retail Revival city, so I applied to get an eBay store. The short version is, eBay is helping folks in Lansing set up and successfully run their own eBay stores (I get free training and access to premium services).

daniel j hogan ebay store

My eBay store.

I’m adding my Inktober 2018 watercolor cartoons to my eBay store and the first batch is for sale now.

Good news! There’s free shipping!

Even better news! Each sale through my eBay store benefits the Greater Lansing Food Bank! They get 10% of every sale. This may not seem like a lot, but if I sell a lot through my eBay store, that will add up pretty fast.

Make sure to follow me on Instagram (@clattertron) to keep up with my Inktober drawings for this year! And don’t forget to check out my eBay store too. All of my cartoons will be matted and bagged–and fit any 8” x 10” frame.