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DemoCamp and Power Point Karaoke

by Daniel J. Hogan

Some big news this week:

Tomorrow night (12.15.09) I will be presenting at DemoCamp Lansing in Harper’s Brew Pub in East Lansing.  I’ll be talking about podcasting. I have five minutes to rap about podcasting to a room full of (mostly) strangers. It should be interesting, as I have yet to really work out my battle plan.

Speaking of making it up as I go, I found out today that I made it to the Sweet Sixteen of PowerPoint Karaoke 2009, which really surprised me (thanks to everyone who voted for me, you are all awesome).

The idea of PowerPoint Karaoke (aka BattleDecks) is that you give a presentation–but you don’t know what your PowerPoint slides are going to be about.  In our case, we knew our topic (mine was the economy).

Watch the video below (or watch it on the YouTube).

If you like what you see, please vote for me. If I make it to the next round (the Elite Eight) I get a prize of some kind. Awesome.