Home BlogNews Saturday: Art & Craft Beer Fest in REO Town

Saturday: Art & Craft Beer Fest in REO Town

by Daniel J. Hogan
art craft beer fest reo town lansing

This Saturday, February 9, is a big event: the 7th Annual Art & Craft Beer Fest in REO Town.

And guess what? I’ll be there selling art starting at 12PM inside the REO Town Marketplace. NOTE: the Art & Craft Beef Fest has events in several buildings in REO Town, not just the Marketplace.

Better still: I’m doing a live cartooning demo at 1PM, also in the REO Town Marketplace. This is an all-ages demo, with room and supplies for 20 people. I’ll go over cartooning basics, like using different shapes for heads and bodies, making expressions, and more. It will be a casual, fun workshop.

The entire Arts & Craft Beer Fest is a ticketed event, so you have to buy tickets to get in.

I hope to see you there, it should be a fun day! It starts at 12PM and goes well into the evening: 10 PM. Now, artists don’t have to stick around that long, so I will be playing things by ear. I’ll for sure at least be there until 6 or so. If I’m selling a lot, I’ll stick around. Otherwise, I’ll head on home (and pass out).