
daniel j hogan podcast

Over the years I produced and hosted/co-hosted a few podcasts, including a novel dramatization and two talk shows. In most cases, I wrote scripts, edited audio, ran websites, and coordinated guest appearances–and in the case of The Magic of Eyri and Ginger and the Geek sketches, I performed character voices.

I am not producing any podcasts at the moment, but my previous podcasts include:

For some reason, other podcasts ask me to appear as a guest from time to time.

The Magic of Eyri Podcast

I produced an audio book podcast based on my novel, The Magic of Eyri. It featured music, sound effects, and character voices (mostly performed by myself). The podcast ran for 53 episodes (all free to download), spread across four “seasons” and took a little over three years to complete.

Magic of Eyri Podcast and NovelI wrote scripts bases on the novel, recorded and edited audio, and used audio editing software to make my own sound effects and character voices.

Download every episode of the Magic of Eyri Podcast. The original novel is available for purchase on Lulu or Amazon.

Ginger and the Geek Podcast

Ginger and the Geek was a talk show podcast I co-hosted with Kat Cooper from November 2010 to August 2012. To the surprise of no one, I was the Geek half. It was a casual talk show, with a humor focus, and tried to showcase what was going on around Lansing the week of the show.

Ginger and the Geek Podcast

On every show we interviewed guests, cracked jokes, talked about what is going on around Lansing and sometimes performed sketch comedy (written by myself).

In addition to co-hosting, I edited/uploaded the episodes and ran the website. Kat and I blogged during the week (Kat usually wrote about crafts and fashion. I, surprise, leaned toward geeky stuff). Both shared the responsibility of arranging for guests to appear on the show.

As of October 2016, the Ginger and the Geek website is offline and the episodes are no longer available for download. They may be added here in the future.


LansingNext was a weekly talk show podcast I recorded with, Kat Cooper (but I started the show with Julielyn Gibbons). The focus of the show was what was going on around town and local guests. It laid the groundwork for what would become Ginger and the Geek.

Guests included Chad Jordan of Cravings Popcorn, Justin “Bugsy” Sailor, Steve Jencks of Lost Highway’s B-Movie Reviews, fantasy author Jim C. Hines and Carla McWherter of Lansing Give Camp.
