I mentioned in an eariler post how I’m back on track in regards to working on my latest novel (working title: “Night of the Lonely Werewolf”). I started this novel…
A few posts back, I mentioned how I picked up an electric timer to help me stay on task when working on projects at home. I’m great at meeting deadlines…
I found out today that I was one of the winners of the Tales Out of Miskatonic University contest! The contest was to write a short piece about a character…
Why is it always that things you think will be simple, end up being the most difficult? Case in point: for the past few weeks, I’ve been on the search…
I’m trying out my new blog settings–this should get mirrrored over to the ol’ livejournal account. The LJ account gets my daily Twitter dumps though, so if you like reading…
Here is my latest freelance piece for Lansing Capital Gains, it is on “boomerangs”–people who left the state for a job/school and then eventually came back. I have another one…