Smartphone distraction is a real deal for me. I can get caught in a loop of posting a picture to Instagram and/or Facebook, and then keep refreshing. Then I’ll go…
social media
You can now read all of my current Foxes & Boxes comic pages on Line Webtoon. It took me a bit, but I got all of the 60+ pages uploaded.…
I at long last decided to start-up my own Patreon page for Clattertron. I wanted to do so for a long time now, but I finally jumped in head first…
I confess to being a public enemy when it comes to trying to be funny on Twitter. The bulk of my feed is filled with lame attempts at humor¹ and…
How does the social media website LinkedIn work? After being inspired by Karl Gude’s presentation about Visual Information at TEDx Lansing, I decided to take a stab at an infographic…
A friend of mine here in Lansing, Mr. Justin “Bugsy” Sailor has a goal in 2010: to have a beer with Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Records and other…