As I wrote yesterday, I decided to take a look back at 2019 and process some of what happened. I made some big moves in 2019 when it came to…
art festival
With a new year in front of me, I decided to take a look back at 2019 and process some of what happened. I made some big moves in 2019…
So, yeah, my returning from a planned hiatus hit a bit of a snag. New Foxes & Boxes comics will resume on Monday, January 6, 2020. Yes, I know I…
This week brings my final (I probably mean it this time) multiple day art show of 2019. I’m appearing at the Royal Oak Market: Art Fair Edition this Thursday and…
They say busy is good, well then this Friday must be one of the best ever. I’m kinda double-booked this Friday night, with a pair of events going on in…
I enjoyed having a weekending off for the first time since June. Time to get back into action though, and this Saturday I will be at ArtFeast in Lansing’s Old…