As I wrote yesterday, I decided to take a look back at 2019 and process some of what happened. I made some big moves in 2019 when it came to…
With a new year in front of me, I decided to take a look back at 2019 and process some of what happened. I made some big moves in 2019…
So, yeah, my returning from a planned hiatus hit a bit of a snag. New Foxes & Boxes comics will resume on Monday, January 6, 2020. Yes, I know I…
This week brings my final (I probably mean it this time) multiple day art show of 2019. I’m appearing at the Royal Oak Market: Art Fair Edition this Thursday and…
They say busy is good, well then this Friday must be one of the best ever. I’m kinda double-booked this Friday night, with a pair of events going on in…
Come see me in Lansing’s Old Town this Friday night for Arts Night Out! This time, I’m the featured artist at Bad Annie’s Old Town Sweary Goods! NOTE: As the…