Those darn kittehs. Or kitties for you non-LOLcats squares. They are too cute–and even cuter when sleeping. What’s better than that? I know. Kittehs sleeping–at the Zoo. Behold! Set phasers…
Links to last week’s posts and such. But before all of that, a photo, just for you. Snapped a photo of this young duck while walking on the River Trail…
If you couldn’t tell, I really enjoy taking photos of animals,especially at Lansing’s Potter Park Zoo. Sure, I’d much rather get shots of animals in the wild, but until then,…
Links, links and more links. But first, a photo. …How does it do that? Links to last week’s posts, and more, after the break.
Another batch of photos from the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk at Potter Park Zoo in Lansing, Michigan. Part 1, Part 2. This is my friend Matt, who also took…
Here is another batch of photos I took while being a part of the 2010 Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk at Lansing’s Potter Park Zoo. See part one here. Hooray!…