Excellent news came today, as I found out my application for a table at the Ann Arbor Comic Arts Festival was approved!

via the A2CAF website.
Formerly known as Kids Read Comics Celebration, the Ann Arbor Comic Arts Festival (A2CAF), is a free event on June 18-19 at the Ann Arbor District Library in downtown Ann Arbor.
What is the Ann Arbor Comic Arts Festival?
From the website:
Our Kids Read Comics Celebration is a totally free event that unites kids, teens, parents, teachers and librarians with professional artists and writers from the comics and animation fields. Our goal is to introduce kids to worlds of imagination while unlocking their creative impulses, and to serve that goal, the convention features:
- hands-on workshops
- panels and presentations for kids, families, and educators
- a chance for kids to meet and chat with comics and animation professionals
- the opportunity for kids to have their own art portfolios reviewed
Sounds like a lot of fun if you ask me. I try to keep my comics all-ages, so this was a show I really wanted to attend, and I was very happy to hear I made it through the jury process to get a table. I found out about this show the day after it ended last year and immediately asked to be put on the email list for when table applications opened up.
I enjoy trying new shows, especially a show with a focus on getting kids and teens interested in comics.
Convention season is picking up, with my next show being SPACE in a few weeks. Time to get cracking on a new coloring book and some other new items (like my Hourly Comics collection).