Home Old Stuff Photos – Attraction Lost 3

Photos – Attraction Lost 3

by Daniel J. Hogan

Another batch of photos from my Attraction Lost series (photos from abandoned tourist attractions and such). Like the first two installments, these were taken in Michigan in the Irish Hills area, along highway US-12.


This guy stood on top of a cave-kind-of-thing at a mini-golf place. More after the break.

Closed down arcade.

An old arcade at the mini-golf place. I love the falling apart sign.

Go-Karts, left behind.

A bunch of go-karts, just sitting out in the open. I used a Photoshop trick to boost the colors a bit. I really wanted the color saturated in this shot, to bring out the cartoony color of the go-karts.

Batting cage balls, still loaded in the pitching machine.

Ammo for the batting cage, still loaded in the pitching machine. I tried out a new Photoshop trick, where I mixed two versions–one tweaked in RGB and the other with colors done in LAB. I then layered both versions and tried different blending modes until I found one I liked.

Tomorrow: Scenes from a beach.