Here is today’s drawing for Reverb 10 prompt #5, “Let go.”
What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? (Author: Alice Bradley)
I moved this year, for the first time in five years. It was a big deal, as I had lived in the same apartment for the past five years–the longest I had lived in any spot since graduating high school in 2000.
I left the suburbs of Lansing’s West side and moved downtown. I even wrote about it for Capital Gains.
I love living downtown: I can walk to work, the Lansing City Market and to all of my favorite downtown haunts (even the library!).
And I’m saving a bit of cash on gas too–when I lived on the West side I would buy gas five to six times a month. Now, I buy gas about twice a month.
I paid attention to how I was inking this one, as I used thinner lines for the Capitol in the background. I also did some tricks in Photoshop to help hide my left over pencil and eraser marks.