For some reason, SkullTrak trains never really caught on.
Another installment of my Attraction Lost series. Today’s photos are of an abandoned “haunted train.” Also, I’m trying a one-post-a-page look for ye olde blog for the moment. I’m trying to set this blog up to have more of a webcomic kind of look/navigation.
It is a work in progress 🙂 what do you think so far? EXIF and more photos after the break.
Shutter Speed Value 1/24 sec
F-Number F22
ISO Speed Ratings 100
Exposure Bias Value -5/3 EV
Focal Length 55.0 mm
I don’t remember my Exposure Bias being that low, but, as I recall it was a bright day. This crazy old, haunted train was behind a fence, so I thought it would be fun to frame up the skull logo. I messed with a bunch in Photoshop–copied the layer, applied the film grain effect to one version and used the Hard Light blending option. I then applied a Curves layer. Shot in color, and I used the Red color channel to make it black and white (that skull is actually very orange).

Sleeper Car of the Damned
This is another part of the train, which was maybe a couple cars in length. The idea is, you walk through it like a haunted house. OK, trivia–look above the small square windows in the center: It says Eisenhower Presidential Train Car (or something close to that). I don’t know if Ike actually used this car before it became a haunted house, but I’d like to think he did. I did a bit of cross processing in Photoshop for this one.

"They were out of smiley face signs, so I bought the next cheapest thing."
A photo of the side of the car with no color effects used (well, except maybe the Curves tool. Can’t remember).
Tomorrow: more photos!
I like the creepy, but bright vibe to these shots.
The layout is clean(er). I like the simple(r) feel it has.
That is all. Carry on sir.
thank you, sir! I appreciate the feed back 🙂