Home Old Stuff A Hilarious Misunderstanding – Mother’s Day Edition

A Hilarious Misunderstanding – Mother’s Day Edition

by Daniel J. Hogan

A couple weeks ago, my younger sister contacted me about going in together for a gift for Mom. Never knowing what to get Mom, beyond gift cards to Hobby Lobby (which she loves), I quickly said yes.

There, I thought to myself, my duties are done. Mom will have a nice gift for Mother’s Day and all I have to do is write a check. Period. End of story.

Not really.

I arrived at my sister’s place today for a Mother’s Day family dinner (which guest starred our maternal grandmother and one of our great aunts). Hugs and hellos were handed out, as well as the aforementioned check.

After dinner, it was time for gifts.

Lauren (sister) entered her family room, where we were all seated, holding a bag for mom.

“Is that it?” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Y’know…what we got mom.”

A pause that lasted for years. “…That was for her BIRTHDAY. You know, in JUNE.”

I nearly dropped my margarita. “Uh…What?”

“I said so in the email. AND in the text message I sent you today.”

I had sent Lauren a text earlier double checking that I didn’t have to get anything additional, such as a small gift for under $10.

Apparently I stopped reading at “No.” Upon additional viewing, I now see she explained the situation in great detail.


At this point everyone is starring at me as I realize I do not have a present for Mom.

The tense moment is broken by Mom’s laughter. She finds the whole situation hilarious. I joke about hoping she likes lottery tickets.

Mom, ever the Saint, shrugs the whole thing off. She jokes about her forgetting things as well, and tells me not to worry about it. I offer to buy her breakfast the next morning. She laughs again and says that would be just fine.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom,

from your forgetful, loving son.

…and at least your birthday present is taken care of.