Home Old Stuff Recording a Podcast “Live”

Recording a Podcast “Live”

by Daniel J. Hogan

I took a different approach today when it came to recording the audio for episode 25 of the Magic of Eyri Podcast.

Normally, I break everything up. I’ll record all of the lines for each character in a batch. For example, I’ll record all of Steve’s lines. Then I’ll start over and record all of Uncle Shameless, Zeroth, etc.

I then tend to do the Narrator lines last. I do not read straight out of the book. I adapt everything to document that resembles an audio drama script.

screen grab of a Magic of Eyri Podcast script

I put all of the sound files for each character into a folder, and when I assemble the episode in GarageBand, I follow the script and drag the files in that I need and edit accordingly.

I did it this, in part, to ‘stay in character’ the whole time. I voice act for multiple characters that a) sound different and b) talk in different styles/mannerisms–I do Steve a bit higher pitched and winy/sarcastic, while I slur and stumble my words with Uncle Shameless.

I decided to give recording ‘live’ a shot after being on a podcasting panel at Penguicon a couple weeks ago. My co-panelist mentioned that she did everything that way. I figured after 24 podcast episodes and 13 episodes of LansingNext, I certainly had the chops to try.

I’m glad I did. The process went very smoothly, and I was able to carry energy all the way through, because I wasn’t starting and stopping along the way. This was probably one of my better recordings, especially when it came to the Narrator lines (which I’m trying to make more ‘energetic’).

The real test will be in the editing. Will this make chopping an episode easier? Most likely. I just hopes it makes it faster. Episode 025, “Pirates!,” will be available on June 2nd at magicofeyri.com.